2024Taipei Lantern Festival「龍躍光城」

從旅店出發步行三分鐘即可抵達 北門展區-以北門作為中心點的透過古城門結合光雕與投影技術的「北門映像」,沿著中華路步行「中華路展區」展出在地特色與友好城市燈組,一路悠悠地走至「西門展區」觀賞融合傳統文化與當代設計,今年主燈「城現光龍」位於「西門展區」捷運西門站出口,結合科技、工藝和聲光互動呈現光之龍王,主燈秀自晚上6時到10時、每30分鐘展演1次。
第一階段光環境亮燈| 02.02(五) - 02.16(五)
第二階段全面開展| 02.17(六) - 03.03(日)
2024 Taipei Lantern Festival
Phase 1: Partial Venue Lighting|
Friday, February 2nd to Friday, February 16. Phase 2: Venue-Wide Displays|
Saturday, February 17th to Sunday, March 3rd. Everyday:
17:00 to 22:00
The 2024 Taipei Lantern Festival,龍躍光城, is designed with the concept of a blessing dragon flying across Taipei City, bringing colors, lights, and blessings to the people who live here. The main lantern is envisioned as a dragon surrounded by blessing and colorful clouds, shining extraordinarily bright at night. Against the backdrop of Ximen Red House and the North Gate silhouettes, the main lantern—Blessing Dragon—will illuminate the West District of Taipei, creating an unforgettable visual feast.